Resurgens Orthopaedics | Keep Reaching

Resurgens reaches for themes of strength, hope, and gratitude in a difficult time.

Early in the coronavirus pandemic, there was another pandemic happening at the same time. It was a pandemic of “covid commercials.” It seemed like every major brand in the world came out with one. An emotional grab bag of old footage, stock footage, dramatic voiceover, and sad violins or pianos. It’s not that all were bad, but boy, did they become repetitive. 

Our longtime client, Resurgens Orthopaedics, didn’t want to do that. They didn’t want to bring people down, but rather to inspire people with their ad. And, Resurgens was in a rarefied position for a brand. Their work is essential! Orthopaedic issues can be serious, and nobody should have to live in pain. 

Now, Resurgens has always told it’s consumers to “Reach for More”, but that message didn’t seem quite right in the pandemic. After all, the best way for most people to contribute was by staying home! That didn’t exactly fit with the usual, “get out there and be active!” mentality. And so, “Keep Reaching” was born. 

The ECG writing team came together to articulate a message of support and gratitude that feels uplifting, without downplaying the severity of the situation. Just as importantly, it makes it clear that Resurgens is there for the people that need them.

With the script locked, we had to find the perfect voiceover artist. ECG has a long roster of in-house voiceover talent, but the man for this job was Collin Ingram. His earnest approach mixed with his natural gravitas made this a truly memorable performance, and helped make this commercial a bright spot in the year!




1-855 787-4487

Mon – Fri  9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST

120 Interstate N Pkwy E SE #226
Atlanta, GA  30339