Internal | Viral Marketing Demo

Viral marketing demo video highlighting ECG Productions’ online campaign creation services. If you’re interested in creating an engaging, visually stunning marketing effort for your business, contact us today!

“So you wanna make an impact?
You wanna go viral?
When its time to make an announcement, launch a campaign, or build awareness, ask yourself:
Whats the best way to tell the story?
99.9% Of the time the answer is video.
And ECG Productions is your one-stop-shop for cutting edge, high quality, award winning, video production and post.
Commercials. Corporate. Broadcast. Graphics. Web Video. We do it all.
Need a marketing push? Millennials? Gen Y? Gen X? We know what these content craving consumers want.
Our talented team has over ten years of experience talking to these highly coveted demos.
With successful campaigns for UPS, Georgia Southern University, XY.TV, HoneyBaked Hams, and more.
Expand your brand with modern marketing strategies using the power of multi-platform video; on the web, on TV, in an e-mail, and in their face. Be contagious and go viral.
Capture a future consumer. Build your business. Don’t wait. The competition isn’t.
ECG Productions. Taking your project from concept to completion in style!”




1-855 787-4487

Mon – Fri  9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST

120 Interstate N Pkwy E SE #226
Atlanta, GA  30339