“Hard Work” from artist Elder Jones is a music video produced by ECG Productions and directed by Jason Sirotin that transports the viewer to a dystopian fantasy world where sweatshop workers are forced to collect coded messages hidden in fortune cookies for a mysterious task master who is selling the information to the Chinese government. Elder Jones and his fellow prisoners covertly lay plans to overthrow their captors, who inadvertently seal their fate when they force Elder’s head into a tub of drinking water, infusing it with “holy” powers. The action culminates when Elder drinks the consecrated water and leads the workers in a charge to literally throw off their chains of oppression.
Shot on location in Atlanta, GA on the Red EPIC and Canon 5D Mark III (shooting RAW via Magic Lantern firmware), “Hard Work” represents the ECG team’s execution of an original concept created by Jason Sirotin. All post production was performed in-house using Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects and BlackMagic DaVinci Resolve.
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