Picture of Kelsey Merriam

Kelsey Merriam

From a young age, Kelsey has always had a knack for storytelling. In middle school and high school, her love for acting led her to star in many school plays and home videos directed by her cousin. Kelsey graduated from Berry College in 2016 with a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication. In college, she worked for the national award-winning student media organization, Viking Fusion, where she discovered a passion for video editing and scriptwriting. In 2016, one of her editing projects was nominated for a Southeast Emmy. She interned with ECG directly out of college and begin working there full-time in 2017. She is proud to be a part of such a great team!

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A Hollywood sound stage at a big movie production, suggesting that someone is moving on up.
Production Industry Insight

Moving On Up

It takes effort to find that perfect job in video production. Nobody starts out on top, and the sooner you realize that the better your success in the industry.

Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley, and Carrie Fisher in a collage from The Last Jedi, with the words "The Hate" superimposed in yellow.
Movies & Television

The Fandom Menace

How far into a movie franchise do you get before they start to disappoint you? Stop putting your expectations onto the movies and just enjoy them. Here’s how.

A collection of Golden Globes awards trophies
Production Industry Insight

No Award For You!

Awards show ballots aren’t just about who’s nominated, it’s who’s missing that’s often more important. The 75th Golden Globes were no different, and here’s why.

A television sits in the middle of a neighborhood street.

Please… Not Another Season!

Can you think of a TV show that wore out its welcome before it ended? What starts off good quickly goes bad when there’s one too many seasons, and here’s why.

monstrous villain walking through fire
Writing for Video

Less is More: Crafting a Compelling Villain

In a movie or a TV show, writing a good villain is one of the best and most challenging things a screenwriter can do. Here’s some great advice for making memorable baddies.

The Business of Video

Eight Tips for Job Hunting

Whether you’re in the video production industry or not, job hunting is hard. But fear not, these job hunting tips can help your application or resume stand out in any field.

Production Tutorials

Behind the Scenes: Cinema Slang in Sixty Seconds

Production crews use a lot of jargon. If you’ve hired a production company, and want to understand them better on set, watch this short video breaking down cinema slang.
