Animation and Graphic Design
Behind the scenes of the Scuf Infinity 4PS 3D Animation
Take a behind-the-scenes look at how we created the fluid animation for the SCUF Infinity 4PS commercial we produced.
Take a behind-the-scenes look at how we created the fluid animation for the SCUF Infinity 4PS commercial we produced.
Even animated characters need motivation. Our motion graphics and 3D animation expert explains why motivation is key to animating a great scene. Check it out!
You’ve heard of motion capture technology, right? Our animators used facial motion capture to map actors’ performances onto 3D animated models. Here’s how we did it!
Unlock a new level of creativity and experience a truly unique and enjoyable working environment with ECG Productions. Contact us today to bring your vision to life with our award-winning video production services.
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Website by SuperMassive