Have you ever found your final product lacking something that is hard to put your finger on? Did your client come back with a vague note about how the video didn’t feel right? You are probably in need of a colorist – a colorist can take your projects to the next level.
1. You keep more control.
If you aren’t shooting your videos in the highest possible quality you are losing data and allowing the camera to do whatever it wants with your video. If you shoot in S-log for a better dynamic range, you’ll need a colorist to tease out the subtle colors in the clouds at sunset. Letting the camera make that decision for you could mean it gets lost in the wash.
2. Color leads your audience to feel.
If you are shooting an emotional video and you edit it up right out of the camera you lose the ability to lead your audience to feel for the subject.
Flat Color Profile (S-log2) / Finished Color Grade
3. A Colorist can make your DP look like a rock star.
Sometimes your DP will take a risk, for example a very over exposed background. In this case a good colorist can take that shot and make it shine. Pulling down the highlights puts texture back in the clouds allowing this shot to look it’s best.
Flat Color Profile (S-log2) / Finished Color Grade
4. Color is a speciality.
Most colorists can also edit but not all editors can be colorists.
Hiring a professional colorist means you are hiring someone who understands how colors work together, and more importantly how color makes people feel. A dedicated colorist will get a more polished look in much less time than an editor that works in color occasionally.
Flat Color Profile (S-log2) / Finished Color Grade
5. Color is something you need to have a passion for.
At the end of the day, film is a labor of love. There is no other reason to work so very hard for the perfect shot, with perfect lighting and blocking. I love being the last one to touch a video before we show the client, I love making people feel something, and I love the technical nature of grading a video before delivery. Not everyone loves to grade and in the final product that shows.
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